by Judith Filek | Nov 1, 2011 | Communication, Executive Conversations, Presentation Communication Skills, Technical Presentations
An executive’s time is valuable. These individuals go from meeting to meeting. It is not unusual for them to have as many as 10–15 meetings a day. For Marv White, Chief Technologist for Innovation at ESPN, an entertainment sports programming network and formerly CTO...
by Judith Filek | Oct 1, 2011 | Customer Satisfaction, Professional / Trust, Teleconference, Telephone Communication Skills, Vocal Issues
A voice with inflection is captivating and motivating. It commands attention and makes people want to hear more. A voice without inflection is flat, a monotone. An uninteresting voice bores annoys and confuses those having to endure it. As you consider how you might...
by Judith Filek | Oct 1, 2011 | Communication, Confidence / Nervousness, Executive Conversations, Involvement, Presentation Communication Skills, Technical Presentations
How you relate to others matters when making a face-to-face presentation. What creates a connection with any executive, manager or peer, first and foremost, is strong eye contact. Sustained eye contact should begin the minute you walk in the door. With solid eye...
by Judith Filek | Sep 1, 2011 | Angry Callers / Conflict, Customer Satisfaction, Professional / Trust, Telephone Communication Skills
Customers today are busy; some are overwhelmed by the myriad of tasks they now have to perform. By the time they call your help desk or customer care center, they are often frustrated and anything but pleasant. You can put that smile back on their face, and here is...
by Judith Filek | Sep 1, 2011 | Communication, Large Group Presentations, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales
What is the difference between your audience and an elephant? An elephant never forgets; an audience occasionally remembers. You go to a lot of trouble to prepare for a large group presentation. You want it to be a success and people to feel their time was well spent....
by Judith Filek | Aug 1, 2011 | Leadership, Teleconference, Telephone Communication Skills
Communicating with any team via teleconference or web session is challenging. When the team is spread across the globe, your task as a presenter requires real ‘globe smarts.’ Do not overlook the importance of adapting your message and slides to the audience...
by Judith Filek | Aug 1, 2011 | Communication, Confidence / Nervousness, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales, Technical Presentations
We have all heard speakers who are exceptional – their message is clear and it is delivered in a compelling manner. People like Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers, Steve Ballmer CEO of Microsoft and John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems fall into this category. However,...
by Judith Filek | Jul 1, 2011 | Executive Conversations, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales, Speaking Style, Technical Presentations, Video Conferences
How often have you heard someone say to you, “You need to be more influential?” When we hear that request, often we don’t know how to address the issue. From a communication standpoint, three issues are critical to making a powerful impression on others. People need...
by Judith Filek | Jul 1, 2011 | Accent, Customer Satisfaction, Professional / Trust, Teleconference, Telephone Communication Skills, Vocal Issues
Pausing is the most under-utilized tool that a speaker has. Most people who use the phone to conduct business only concern themselves with their message. For example, they want to explain a product, fix your software or update you on month-end results. They forget...
by Judith Filek | Jun 1, 2011 | Listening, Prospect / Cold Calls, Telephone Communication Skills
As inside sales representatives, the way we close business is by asking questions. Often, we ask the same questions of each customer. Sometimes, these questions move people to make decisions, but at other times, they don’t, leading us to wonder “what happened?”...
by Judith Filek | Jun 1, 2011 | Audience, Presentation Communication Skills
Individuals who seem attacking can disarm even the most experienced speakers. When statements start with an accusation or an acerbic tone of voice, it is hard to keep your composure, especially if others are witnessing this attack. Difficult individuals or...
by Judith Filek | May 1, 2011 | Listening, Telephone Communication Skills
Everyone knows listening is a critical skill for people who do business over the phone. What is important to remember is that listening needs to be continuous. We must listen attentively before, during and after we finish talking. Before: Listening before responding...
by Judith Filek | May 1, 2011 | Communication, Delivery Tips, Executive Conversations, Large Group Presentations, Presentation Communication Skills, Technical Presentations
They say there are three presentations we give: The one we planned to give, the one we actually gave, and the one we wished we would have given. A lot of us leave a presentation wishing for a “do-over.” What can destroy a good outcome are the following “Presentation...
by Judith Filek | Apr 1, 2011 | Leadership, Professional / Trust, Teleconference, Telephone Communication Skills, Vocal Issues
Virtual meetings are a perfect storm. Since attendees know they are not seen, they are often tempted to do additional things. People check email and voicemail. Some even let the dog out or do laundry! If you are the host, multi-tasking attendees are not what you want....
by Judith Filek | Apr 1, 2011 | Communication, Content, Delivery Tips, Executive Conversations, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales
The aim of any presenter is to be trusted. Yet, time after time, listeners aren’t sold. Many even comment, “You know, there is something about that guy that I just can’t trust.” What you say and how you say it is critical to establishing trust. Albert Mehrabian,...
by Judith Filek | Mar 1, 2011 | Communication, Content, Executive Conversations, Involvement, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales, Technical Presentations, Video Conferences
People are moved by their heads and their hearts. Data alone won’t convince people. Knowing this, many companies have adopted a storytelling approach with their customers. An engaging story helps to deepen the human connection and increase the likelihood of ideas...
by Judith Filek | Mar 1, 2011 | Customer Satisfaction, Professional / Trust, Teleconference, Telephone Communication Skills, Vocal Issues
A good portion of anyone’s day is spent on the telephone. Everyone wants to make a good impression, but it’s the first few words out of your mouth that determine whether people will perceive you in a positive or negative manner or whether they will trust and believe...
by Judith Filek | Feb 1, 2011 | Angry Callers / Conflict, Professional / Trust, Telephone Communication Skills
Picture that you’ve answered the phone and the caller begins with a raised voice. Without any seeming provocation, the person on the other end of the line starts making threatening statements and even swearing. How do you defend yourself against this mad, out of...
by Judith Filek | Feb 1, 2011 | Communication, Content, Delivery Tips, Involvement, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales
Customers are not crazy about formal presentations. They complain that presentations often seem prescriptive and downright boring. When surveyed, one of our clients said, “The last thing I need in my day is one more salesperson doing a dog and pony show. What happened...
by Judith Filek | Jan 1, 2011 | Audience, Delivery Tips, Presentation Communication Skills
When that great opportunity finally comes along to make a presentation to a potential dream client, you want to be successful. The question many of us have is “What is the trick?” As simplistic as it sounds, the key is in adding value. The more clearly you can...
by Judith Filek | Jan 1, 2011 | Telephone Communication Skills, Voicemail
Most of us are forced to leave voicemail messages constantly. In today’s business world, it is almost a rarity to speak to a live person. When we go to the trouble of leaving a voice message, our expectation is that we will receive a “call back.” The vexing part is...
by Judith Filek | Dec 1, 2010 | Communication, Content, Executive Conversations, Presentation Communication Skills, Technical Presentations, Video Conferences
Are you one of those people that has to give periodic updates? If so, you had better make it worth your listeners’ time because nobody relishes a meeting that’s “just an update.” In fact, in many people’s eyes, an “update” meeting is the one to miss when your schedule...
by Judith Filek | Dec 1, 2010 | Angry Callers / Conflict, Customer Satisfaction, Listening, Teleconference, Telephone Communication Skills
Approximately eighty percent of our waking hours are spent listening. You would think, by the sheer fact that so much of our time is devoted to listening, we would be fantastic at it, real superstars. The reality is not very many of us are good at listening because of...
by Judith Filek | Nov 1, 2010 | Content, Delivery Tips, Executive Conversations, Involvement, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales, Speaking Style, Technical Presentations
Selling your ideas isn’t easy, especially in today’s dynamic business climate. Listeners go from meeting to meeting. They are on information overload. Without Reaching, Teaching and Touching your listeners, it is likely your content will be overlooked. The question is...
by Judith Filek | Nov 1, 2010 | Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills, Vocal Issues
Fact: Your voice affects how people perceive you over the phone. Fact: If there is any inconsistency between your words and your tone of voice, 85 percent of the time, listeners will trust what they hear in the tone of your voice, instead of your actual words. Fact:...
by Judith Filek | Oct 1, 2010 | Communication, Executive Conversations, Listening, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales
What business person wouldn’t covet being thought of as a trusted advisor! Obviously, customers would act on your recommendations and refer you to other business acquaintances. They would turn to you first to improve the quality of their business and sign contract...
by Judith Filek | Oct 1, 2010 | Leadership, Teleconference, Telephone Communication Skills
Instead of face-to-face meetings, many of us facilitate teleconferences or meetings over the phone. Without seeing people’s responses to our points, teleconferences can prove to be challenging. To be successful, one has to think of being the host of his or her own...
by Judith Filek | Sep 1, 2010 | Presentation Communication Skills, Visual Aids
Almost all of us use slides as we present to our bosses, customers, peers or direct reports. However, not all of us create them effectively. Rather than aiding comprehension, slides can erode meaning and cause confusion. Often, they consist of boring bullet point...
by Judith Filek | Sep 1, 2010 | Leadership, Motivation, Telephone Communication Skills
Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” It sounds like sage advice. However, many people working in customer support will point out that they have been doing that for quite a while. They wonder how much...
by Judith Filek | Aug 1, 2010 | Communication, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales
Many professionals conduct business outside of the office over lunch. The atmosphere is often more relaxing and conducive to discussing important matters privately. However, the business lunch can erode the impression of you as a consummate professional if you leave...
by Judith Filek | Aug 1, 2010 | Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills
Business professional today are busy – really busy. They have a million things to do before they end their day. The last thing they want is to be interrupted by a call from a salesperson trying to sell their latest product or service. Inside Salespeople need to...
by Judith Filek | Jul 1, 2010 | Telephone Communication Skills, Training Effectiveness
Customer service organizations spend thousands of dollars each year on training. The hope is to improve skill sets, increase productivity, close more business or create customer loyalty. While typically there is a “bump” in improvement after any class, over time, the...
by Judith Filek | Jul 1, 2010 | Communication, Global Communication, Managing Conflict, Presentation Communication Skills
Tony Hayward, CEO of BP Oil, has become a punching bag for Gulf Coast residents, as well as newscasters. His penchant for making insensitive and misleading statements may have done irreparable damage to his reputation and the reputation of BP Oil Corporation. Some of...
by Judith Filek | Jun 1, 2010 | Listening, Telephone Communication Skills
Everyone knows listening is a critical skill for people who do business over the phone. What is important to remember is that listening needs to be continuous. We must listen attentively before, during and after we finish talking. Before: Listening before responding...
by Judith Filek | Jun 1, 2010 | Communication, Delivery Tips, Executive Conversations, Involvement, Presentation Communication Skills
How you relate to the audience affects the outcome of the meeting. People more readily accept information and close business with those they like and trust. So how do you build a relationship and still get your points across? What creates a connection, first and...
by Judith Filek | May 1, 2010 | Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills
For many years, Toyota enjoyed an irrefutable reputation in the US as the maker of reliable, fuel-efficient cars. Sales were double those of Honda, and Toyota rivaled GM and Ford for the #l spot. However, in 2010, things changed. A problem with a sticking accelerator...
by Judith Filek | May 1, 2010 | Confidence / Nervousness, Presentation Communication Skills
Presenting to the boss is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is an opportunity to show what you know, to be the next MVP. On the other hand, if the boss thinks poorly of you or hates what you say, you may be forever sitting on the sidelines or worse yet, sent...
by Judith Filek | Apr 1, 2010 | Telephone Communication Skills, Vocal Issues
When callers hear your voice on the other end of the line, they imagine the person behind the voice. If they like what they hear in the tone of your voice, chances are they will perceive you as knowledgeable and confident. If they don’t like your tone, they may want...
by Judith Filek | Apr 1, 2010 | Communication, Presentation Communication Skills
The economic situation has impacted all of us, regardless of our job or industry. Many of us have seen dramatic layoffs, leaving some of us doing several jobs at one time. The pressure to succeed and exceed expectations is unbelievable. In these down times,...
by Judith Filek | Mar 1, 2010 | Communication, Delivery Tips, Presentation Communication Skills
Robert Cialdini, the author of Weapons of Influence and The Psychology of Persuasion, is a leading expert in the area of influence and influencing. In his books, he identifies critical principles that generate desirable change. We have grouped his key points under...
by Judith Filek | Mar 1, 2010 | Angry Callers / Conflict, Telephone Communication Skills
How many times have you had to placate an irate or distressed customer in a day? For many of us, that number is too large to calculate. Most often, we are successful in de-escalating an upset caller, but on occasion, we have a “bad call” from hell....
by Judith Filek | Feb 1, 2010 | Angry Callers / Conflict, Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills
Customers today seem quick to voice, “I would like to speak to a supervisor,” if they are unhappy with the service they receive. What is particularly vexing about these escalated calls is that as many as 85% of them could have been resolved with the initial phone rep....
by Judith Filek | Feb 1, 2010 | Confidence / Nervousness, Delivery Tips, Presentation Communication Skills
Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers says 10,000 hours is the magic number for true expertise. He sites examples of composers, basketball players, skaters, concert pianists, chess players and fiction writers who achieved greatness after 10,000 hours of hard practice....
by Judith Filek | Jan 1, 2010 | Communication, Executive Conversations, Presentation Communication Skills
Social media, e-mail and other advancements in technology seem to suggest that face-to-face communication in the business world is “old school,” that people do not miss or desire in person communiqués. One businessman, I called recently had this recorded message on...
by Judith Filek | Jan 1, 2010 | Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills
The health and well being of your organization depends on the service your customers receive. If they receive stellar service, then customers smile and stay loyal. If they are not impressed, they begin to look elsewhere. There are some phrases inside sales, technical...
by Judith Filek | Dec 1, 2009 | Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills
Our organization is often asked, either by managers, interviewers or call center representatives, “What is the most important skill a customer support representative needs to ensure their success?” Is it the ability to handle irate customers or to resolve issues...
by Judith Filek | Dec 1, 2009 | Content, Presentation Communication Skills, Writing
E-mails can either build or erode credibility. For e-mails to differentiate you in a positive light, take the time to write them clearly and concisely. Make sure to focus them on the recipients and their needs. Lastly, plainly define any follow-up actions. When...
by Judith Filek | Nov 1, 2009 | Telephone Communication Skills, Vocal Issues
Almost every company today uses telephone interviews as a way to screen potential job candidates. Being successful in this initial screening is critical to moving to the next step in the hiring process. To insure your success, please consider the following tips. Have...
by Judith Filek | Nov 1, 2009 | Content, Presentation Communication Skills, Writing
Clarity should be a writer’s highest priority. While everyone nods in agreement, miscommunication is rampant. How many of us have had the unsettling experience of trying to assemble a child’s toy, only to be thwarted by unclear directions. Anyone interested in healthy...
by Judith Filek | Oct 1, 2009 | Telephone Communication Skills, Vocal Issues
How many times have you fantasized the face behind a voice that you hear on the radio or television? Almost all of us have. Sometimes, we picture the speaker as honest and trustworthy, like Walter Cronkite, the news broadcaster. When he died, reporters described him...
by Judith Filek | Oct 1, 2009 | Communication, Delivery Tips, Presentation Communication Skills
Repeat after me, it is not okay to end meetings late. When moderators say, “I am sorry we ended 15 minutes over time, but I hope you found it valuable,” it is not really all right. People have commitments. Sometimes, they are rushing to airports or to pick up children...
by Judith Filek | Sep 1, 2009 | Managing Conflict, Presentation Communication Skills
If you think it is impossible to think on one’s feet, you are not alone. Many business professionals dread speaking to senior level executives or important customers for fear their brains will freeze and decision makers will see them as the village idiot. There are...
by Judith Filek | Sep 1, 2009 | Motivation, Telephone Communication Skills, Training Effectiveness
Now more than ever, managers and supervisors need to motivate their inside salespeople or their customer service representatives. Obviously, the more motivated people are the better sales and approval ratings will be. What managers and supervisors don’t often remember...
by Judith Filek | Aug 1, 2009 | Call Management, Telephone Communication Skills
Within the first ten seconds of a call, customers form an impression of the organization and the person on the other end of the line. If the customer doesn’t like what he or she hears, sometimes they will disconnect or asked to be switched to another representative....
by Judith Filek | Aug 1, 2009 | Content, Delivery Tips, Presentation Communication Skills
Can you remember a time when you attended a meeting, only to be lulled into an occasional listening mode because of one dull fact after another? Just like you, your listeners will tune out quickly if you don’t capture and hold their attention. After all, most business...
by Judith Filek | Jul 1, 2009 | Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills
There are a lot of reasons why I hate calling Customer Support. It doesn’t matter what company. The issues remain the same. If I had a wish list, these are the things I would like to see changed- immediately! The first thing that bugs me is long waits with a message...
by Judith Filek | Jul 1, 2009 | Delivery Tips, Presentation Communication Skills
Presenting your ideas so that people are motivated to take action requires a transfer of enthusiasm. From your first words, you must demonstrate you believe in what you say. You must show true gusto in your body language and voice. Anything less seems incongruous, and...
by Judith Filek | Jun 1, 2009 | Communication, Content, Presentation Communication Skills
Winston Churchill once said, “If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time– a tremendous whack!” Most speakers want their points to come...
by Judith Filek | Jun 1, 2009 | Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills
Many of our existing customers are no longer able to make their usual purchases or upgrades. They can no longer provide training for their employees. The temptation is, of course, to move on to those who are able. However, ignoring our existing customers in difficult...
by Judith Filek | May 1, 2009 | Communication, Delivery Tips, Managing Conflict, Presentation Communication Skills
The economic downturn has affected all businesses. Consequently, many of us are now in the position of delivering bad news messages. It is not easy, but the way that message is communicated is critical. It leaves a lasting impression of you and the company. People who...
by Judith Filek | May 1, 2009 | Leadership, Telephone Communication Skills
Everywhere you go people are talking about the economy and its effect on them personally. On a recent business flight, the person sitting next to me mentioned that seven members of her family are out of work. At my aunt’s 90th birthday party last week, the...
by Judith Filek | Apr 1, 2009 | Communication, Presentation Communication Skills, Speaking Style
Are you out of work or thinking of changing jobs? Before you do anything, perform some PR on yourself. Assess what the Perception of you as a communicator, versus the Reality. We can see ourselves as a highly polished, competent business professional, but if the...
by Judith Filek | Apr 1, 2009 | Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills
When a sales or service center is deemed or reported world class by such organizations as JD Powers or The Association of Support Professionals, the sales or service representatives themselves attribute it three key factors. They are: Knowledgeable Committed Empowered...
by Judith Filek | Mar 1, 2009 | Confidence / Nervousness, Presentation Communication Skills, Speaking Style
Helen Hayes (1900-1993) was the quintessential actress of her day. When asked why she continued to act well into her seventies and eighties, she said, “If you rest, you rust.” As speakers, we can’t assume our communication skills are good enough. Miscommunication is...
by Judith Filek | Mar 1, 2009 | Customer Satisfaction, Telephone Communication Skills
Inside sales representatives beware! In this uncertain economy, there is a tendency to overlook existing customers who have put the skids on purchasing. Even if a customer isn’t buying today, eventually they will. If you stay in touch, your customers will remember....
by Judith Filek | Feb 1, 2009 | Listening, Telephone Communication Skills
A tough economy puts a lot of pressure on everyone. Clients are more and more demanding, especially when doing business over the phone. Good listening skills are essential. Yet, most people do not excel at listening. Researchers tell us that people listen effectively...
by Judith Filek | Feb 1, 2009 | Delivery Tips, Presentation Communication Skills, Sales
As the economy continues to plummet, businesses weigh every internal and external decision very carefully. To save money internally, decision-makers are looking closely at their own headcount. Non-essential jobs and marginal performers are being eliminated quickly....
by Judith Filek | Jan 1, 2009 | Executive Conversations, Presentation Communication Skills
Most business people make presentations to executives, whether it is internally to senior managers for status updates or externally to clients or customers for purchase approval. Often, these are one-time golden opportunities. They require careful planning and...
by Judith Filek | Jan 1, 2009 | Customer Satisfaction, Sales / Selling, Telephone Communication Skills
The effects of the down economy are being felt all around the globe. The “R” word is being said out loud. Every corporation in almost every industry is feeling the pinch of the recession no matter where they are located. In tough times, the frontline people, those...
by Judith Filek | Feb 1, 2003 | Professional / Trust, Telephone Communication Skills, Vocal Issues
Many people think they have a bad telephone voice. While it’s true that not everyone’s voice sounds like a radio announcer’s voice, very few people have a terrible voice. What they have is a badly produced voice. To sound confident and be perceived in a professional...
by Judith Filek | Jun 1, 2001 | Professional / Trust, Telephone Communication Skills
When customers hear your voice on the other end of the line, they imagine the person behind the voice. If they like what they hear in the voice, chances are they will perceive you as knowledgeable and confident. If they don’t like your voice, it makes them want to...
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