Presentation Communication Skills Training

  • Selling Your Ideas and Motivating Others
  • Technical Presentations that S.C.O.R.E
  • Communicating with Influence
  • Meaningful and Memorable Messages

Telephone Communication Skills Training

  • Sell to different behavioral styles.
  • Use their voice to increase trust and project a positive impression.
  • Use positive, proactive language and acknowledgment to handle difficult situations effectively.
  • Leave clear, concise voice mail messages using our organizer.


Personal Coaching


  • One-on-One Consultation or Team Consultation
  • Personal Communication Skills Coaching
  • Communicating with Influence

An Organization’s Key People Need to Convey Expertise, Confidence and Authority

Impact Communications, Inc. is a national communications skill-building training organization that is committed to helping individuals craft powerful messages and deliver them confidently. No matter what your business, achieving mission-critical objectives and keeping a competitive edge are what counts. Impact Communications, Inc.’s presentation skills, telephone skills, and personal coaching classes will ensure that the professionals in your organization communicate your messages successfully and are perceived in the best possible manner. Read More »

Presentation Communication Skills Training

Tailored Presentation Communication Skills Training to address specific issues for an individual or company-wide. Training can be developed for one-on-one or for groups. Our training focuses on what makes a great presentation and how to present a great presentation. You will learn to:

  • Create clear, concise messages that persuade others using the 15-Minute Planner.
  • Balance information with relationship elements.
  • Engage your audience.
  • Eliminate distractions.
  • Interact effectively with visual aids.
  • Control question and answer sessions.
  • Harness fear and be yourself.
  • Become credible, confident and authentic communicators.
  • Answer difficult questions and handle challenging situations effectively.
  • Have immediate impact.

Telephone Communication Skills Training

Our Telephone Communication Skills Training can be tailored as an in-house program, for specific groups or for individuals and organized to address specific issues. Refined and proper telephone skills help to keep existing clients. You will learn to:

  • Exceeding customer expectations every.
  • Effective Telephone Skills for Inside Sales Representative.
  • Coaching Award Winning Customer Service.
  • On-the-Job Telephone Coaching.

Recent Blog Postings

Rarely Make Presentations? It’s No Excuse!

Rarely Make Presentations? It’s No Excuse!

Don’t think because you rarely make formal presentations, your boss or your peers will forgive you for doing a poor or mediocre job. They won’t! Their expectation is that if you asked them to listen, you will make it worthwhile. Their time is too valuable to be bored or to try to make sense out of something that seems disjointed. Although you may think it is impossible to master the art of presenting with limited opportunities, here are some simple suggestions that will help you succeed.

Do You Care Enough

Do You Care Enough

“I was busy” is an excuse many of us use when we don’t do our best. When you carelessly prepare or deliver ideas, your listeners may end up confused, and consequently, your organization may miss opportunities or leave money on the table. You may also jeopardize your brand and future promotions. A bad impression is difficult to erase. Consider the following and ask yourself, “Do you care enough? Are you doing your best? Do you need to change anything?

Tips for Creating Powerful Messages

Tips for Creating Powerful Messages

Regardless of our job, most of us have updates or presentations to give. This can take a big chunk out of our work week. Obviously, we want these presentations to “knock the socks” off our listeners. While that’s the goal, most business professionals spend 22 hours a week building presentations that are not effective and do not connect with their listeners. Shocking isn’t it! Experts say we insure our success if we follow these suggestions.

Deconstructing What Charismatic Speakers Do

Deconstructing What Charismatic Speakers Do

A lot of speakers wish they could be seen as charismatic. Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Steve Jobs come to mind as people who were magnetic speakers. When they spoke, people listened and remembered. Obviously, no one is born charismatic, but how do you go from being just “ok” to being charismatic. Let’s deconstruct what those compelling speakers do routinely, and perhaps, you can follow their path.

Take a Breath!

Take a Breath!

Our voice is our calling card when we conduct business on the phone. If we want to make a positive impression, our voice should communicate warmth, friendliness, sincerity, and confidence. The question is how can we do it? The source of our vocal power is breathing....

What’s the End Game?

What’s the End Game?

Every major corporation with a global presence relies on virtual teams to launch products quickly and gain a competitive edge. For any one launch, many teams are often involved. For example, a typical launch team may include marketing, sales, engineering, packaging, manufacturing, etc. Each of those groups may have their own teams working fast and furiously to complete their pieces. It is easy for the sub-teams to lose sight of how their work fits into the big picture since they may have different goals and objectives. When the end game is different for each functional team, collaboration suffers.

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