An Organization’s Key People Need to Convey Expertise, Confidence and Authority
Impact Communications, Inc. is a national communications skill-building training organization that is committed to helping individuals craft powerful messages and deliver them confidently. No matter what your business, achieving mission-critical objectives and keeping a competitive edge are what counts. Impact Communications, Inc.’s presentation skills, telephone skills, and personal coaching classes will ensure that the professionals in your organization communicate your messages successfully and are perceived in the best possible manner. Read More »
Presentation Communication Skills Training
Tailored Presentation Communication Skills Training to address specific issues for an individual or company-wide. Training can be developed for one-on-one or for groups. Our training focuses on what makes a great presentation and how to present a great presentation. You will learn to:
- Create clear, concise messages that persuade others using the 15-Minute Planner.
- Balance information with relationship elements.
- Engage your audience.
- Eliminate distractions.
- Interact effectively with visual aids.
- Control question and answer sessions.
- Harness fear and be yourself.
- Become credible, confident and authentic communicators.
- Answer difficult questions and handle challenging situations effectively.
- Have immediate impact.
Telephone Communication Skills Training
Our Telephone Communication Skills Training can be tailored as an in-house program, for specific groups or for individuals and organized to address specific issues. Refined and proper telephone skills help to keep existing clients. You will learn to:
- Exceeding customer expectations every.
- Effective Telephone Skills for Inside Sales Representative.
- Coaching Award Winning Customer Service.
- On-the-Job Telephone Coaching.
Recent Blog Postings
The Storyteller’s Checklist
People are moved by their heads and their hearts. Data alone won’t convince people. Knowing this, many companies have adapted a storytelling approach with their customers. An engaging story helps to deepen the human connection and increase the likelihood of ideas being remembered. It also distinguishes the presenter from others. If your company has embraced this approach, the Storyteller’s Checklist will ensure your success.
Did You Have Them at Hello: Your Tone of Voice is What Counts!
A good portion of anyone’s day is spent on the telephone. Everyone wants to make a good impression, but it’s the first few words out of your mouth that determine whether people will perceive you in a positive or negative manner or whether they will trust and believe you. In fact, studies confirm that your impact over the phone is established within four-seven seconds through the tone of your voice.
Defending Yourself Against the Mad Caller
Picture that you have answered the phone and the caller begins with a raised voice. Without any seeming provocation, the person on the other end of the line starts making threatening statements and even swearing. How do you defend yourself against this mad, out of control caller? Should you just hang-up and hope that someone other than you gets to deal with the individual next time? A common sense approach, coupled with TLC and good listening skills, typically works. Someone who is angry IS capable of behaving calmly and rationally.
Presentations Are Out: Sharing Your Story Is In!
Customers are not crazy about formal presentations. They complain that presentations often seem prescriptive and downright boring. When surveyed, one of our clients said, “The last thing I need in my day is one more sales person doing a dog and pony show. What happened to the good old fashioned conversation?” Customers today want interaction. A sure-fire way to involve listeners is with a good story.
Add Up to Real Value
The key to adding value to your presentation is know your audience and to show the link between your solution and the needs of the individuals.
Want People to Return Your Voicemail? Here’s How!
Want People to Return Your Voicemail? Here’s How!
Giving an Update? Tell Me What’s New and What’s to Do
Bringing people together for the sake of providing information” makes no one happy, primarily because most of us are on information overload anyway. If you focus your content on solving a problem, rather than on just providing information, your meeting will be seen in a whole new light. Listeners will stay attentive if you tell them “what’s new” and “what’s to do.”
What Kind of a Listener Are You — It Matters!
Approximately, eighty percent of our waking hours are spent listening. You would think,
by the sheer fact that so much of our time is devoted to listening, we would be fantastic at it, real superstars. The reality is not very many of us are good at listening because of the way we listen. There are three levels of listening: passive, judgmental and active. The one that takes the most work is active listening, and, often, it is least used. Consider the following levels of listening and assess which modality you routinely use and whether it gets the results you want.
Reach, Teach and Touch – 3 Requirements for Any Presenter
Selling your idea isn’t easy. Listeners are inundated with information all day long. Additionally, they are often doing the job of several people and, consequently, are consumed with their own issues and tasks. To get your message remembered over others, you must Reach, Teach and Touch.
Your Voice Affects How People Perceive You
Your voice is critical to your success when doing business over the phone. To establish trust and leave a positive impression, your voice must consistently sound upbeat, warm, under control and clear.
Establish Credibility by Being a Trusted Advisor
What business person wouldn’t covet being thought of as a trusted advisor! Obviously, customers or internal people would act on your recommendations and promote you and your ideas to others. They would turn to you first to improve the quality of their business and sign contract after contract. However, it takes more than good advice. You must know how to earn trust.
You’re the Host of Your Teleconference – So Act Like One!
Instead of face-to-face meetings, many of us facilitate teleconferences or meetings over the phone. Without seeing people’s responses to our points, teleconferences can prove to be challenging. To be successful, one has to think of being the host of his or her own radio show and do what disc jockeys or newscasters do.