Winning at Telephone Interviews

Almost every company today uses telephone interviews as a way to screen potential job candidates. Being successful in this initial screening is critical to moving to the next step in the hiring process. To insure your success, please consider the following tips. Have...

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Your Tone of Voice is a Door Opener

How many times have you fantasized the face behind a voice that you hear on the radio or television? Almost all of us have. Sometimes, we picture the speaker as honest and trustworthy, like Walter Cronkite, the news broadcaster. When he died, reporters described him...

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The Magic Formula When Answering an Inbound Call

Within the first ten seconds of a call, customers form an impression of the organization and the person on the other end of the line. If the customer doesn’t like what he or she hears, sometimes they will disconnect or asked to be switched to another representative....

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Reasons Why I Hate Calling Customer Support

There are a lot of reasons why I hate calling Customer Support. It doesn’t matter what company. The issues remain the same. If I had a wish list, these are the things I would like to see changed- immediately! The first thing that bugs me is long waits with a message...

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Surviving the Hard Times with Your Customers

Many of our existing customers are no longer able to make their usual purchases or upgrades. They can no longer provide training for their employees. The temptation is, of course, to move on to those who are able. However, ignoring our existing customers in difficult...

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Motivating the Team When Times are Tough

Everywhere you go people are talking about the economy and its effect on them personally. On a recent business flight, the person sitting next to me mentioned that seven members of her family are out of work. At my aunt’s 90th birthday party last week, the...

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Stay In Touch with Your Customers

Inside sales representatives beware! In this uncertain economy, there is a tendency to overlook existing customers who have put the skids on purchasing. Even if a customer isn’t buying today, eventually they will. If you stay in touch, your customers will remember....

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Listening—A Critical Skill in Challenging Times

A tough economy puts a lot of pressure on everyone. Clients are more and more demanding, especially when doing business over the phone. Good listening skills are essential. Yet, most people do not excel at listening. Researchers tell us that people listen effectively...

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How to Improve Your Telephone Voice

Many people think they have a bad telephone voice. While it’s true that not everyone’s voice sounds like a radio announcer’s voice, very few people have a terrible voice. What they have is a badly produced voice. To sound confident and be perceived in a professional...

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Blog Archive by Category

  • Be Heard — a Non-Fail Recipe Be Heard — a Non-Fail Recipe

    We all know that a speaker needs to be heard, whether it is in giving an update on a project, advising a client on an investment opportunity or explaining the functionality of a new product. Yet so often, business professionals are not heard. They do not connect with their listeners. They bury their points by […]

  • What Kinds of Questions Do You Ask What Kinds of Questions Do You Ask

    As inside sales representatives, the way we close business is by asking questions. Often, we ask the same questions of each customer. Sometimes, these questions move people to make decisions, but at other times, they don’t, leading us to wonder “what happened?” Selling over the phone should not be a crapshoot. By asking the right […]

  • The Five Things Intentional Listeners Must Master The Five Things Intentional Listeners Must Master

    If you think you are a good listener, think again. Study after study confirms that most people listen effectively only 25% of the time. Instead of listening, they are focused on responding. What is often overlooked is that there are three levels of listening. At the very basic level, there is passive listening —where we […]

  • Make a Great Impression on the Phone Make a Great Impression on the Phone

    Making a good first impression is essential to anyone in today’s business world. Obviously, it is more difficult to do when you are not face-to-face. By truly listening, having an upbeat and friendly voice and a positive attitude, you increase the odds that people will take you seriously and will want to do business with you.


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