Presentation Communication Skills Training

  • Selling Your Ideas and Motivating Others
  • Technical Presentations that S.C.O.R.E
  • Communicating with Influence
  • Meaningful and Memorable Messages

Telephone Communication Skills Training

  • Sell to different behavioral styles.
  • Use their voice to increase trust and project a positive impression.
  • Use positive, proactive language and acknowledgment to handle difficult situations effectively.
  • Leave clear, concise voice mail messages using our organizer.


Personal Coaching


  • One-on-One Consultation or Team Consultation
  • Personal Communication Skills Coaching
  • Communicating with Influence

An Organization’s Key People Need to Convey Expertise, Confidence and Authority

Impact Communications, Inc. is a national communications skill-building training organization that is committed to helping individuals craft powerful messages and deliver them confidently. No matter what your business, achieving mission-critical objectives and keeping a competitive edge are what counts. Impact Communications, Inc.’s presentation skills, telephone skills, and personal coaching classes will ensure that the professionals in your organization communicate your messages successfully and are perceived in the best possible manner. Read More »

Presentation Communication Skills Training

Tailored Presentation Communication Skills Training to address specific issues for an individual or company-wide. Training can be developed for one-on-one or for groups. Our training focuses on what makes a great presentation and how to present a great presentation. You will learn to:

  • Create clear, concise messages that persuade others using the 15-Minute Planner.
  • Balance information with relationship elements.
  • Engage your audience.
  • Eliminate distractions.
  • Interact effectively with visual aids.
  • Control question and answer sessions.
  • Harness fear and be yourself.
  • Become credible, confident and authentic communicators.
  • Answer difficult questions and handle challenging situations effectively.
  • Have immediate impact.

Telephone Communication Skills Training

Our Telephone Communication Skills Training can be tailored as an in-house program, for specific groups or for individuals and organized to address specific issues. Refined and proper telephone skills help to keep existing clients. You will learn to:

  • Exceeding customer expectations every.
  • Effective Telephone Skills for Inside Sales Representative.
  • Coaching Award Winning Customer Service.
  • On-the-Job Telephone Coaching.

Recent Blog Postings

Tips from the Top — What One CEO Practices

Tips from the Top — What One CEO Practices

What do people remember? As a coach, you hope people embrace your suggestions and remember the issues they found challenging after the engagement ends. Periodically, I like to touch base with these business leaders as a double check. I had the pleasure of reconnecting with the CEO of large international company last week after not seeing him for a few years. From the start of our coaching, this executive was very open and willing to try the tools and tips being suggested, even though they were out of his comfort zone. His goal was to be known as a strong, engaging leader with excellent communication skills. He excelled because he practiced a lot and kept the endgame in mind. Every time he got up in front of an audience in his role as CEO, he consciously practiced one or two things. I asked him what he remembers from our work together when he speaks to people, whether one to one or one to 1001. I am sharing his top five because I think they are relevant to all of us.
What do people remember? As a coach, you hope people embrace your suggestions and remember the issues they found challenging after the engagement ends. Periodically, I like to touch base with these business leaders as a double check. I had the pleasure of reconnecting with the CEO of large international company last week after not seeing him for a few years. From the start of our coaching, this executive was very open and willing to try the tools and tips being suggested, even though they were out of his comfort zone. His goal was to be known as a strong, engaging leader with excellent communication skills. He excelled because he practiced a lot and kept the endgame in mind. Every time he got up in front of an audience in his role as CEO, he consciously practiced one or two things. I asked him what he remembers from our work together when he speaks to people, whether one to one or one to 1001. I am sharing his top five because I think they are relevant to all of us.

What Do You Do If You Speak Too Fast

What Do You Do If You Speak Too Fast

Do you speak too fast? Does everyone tell you to slow down? Do you also have a lot of “filler” or “crutch” words? Inevitably, if you speak quickly, there will be lots of “ums, ahs and you knows.” If this is you, don’t ignore this issue. It is not okay to speak quickly. Listeners want to digest what you say, formulate their questions and maybe even take notes. It is important to speak at a rate people find comfortable.

Managing the Jitters

Managing the Jitters

Presenting your ideas to the boss is a double edged sword. On the one hand, it’s an opportunity to show the boss you know your stuff and you are someone with real potential. On the other hand, if you don’t do a good job or your boss is disappointed with your message, you may forever be sitting on the sidelines. The anticipation of speaking to an executive might make anyone anxious and unable to perform at their best. It is essential that you harness those nervous jitters

What the Boss Wants You to Know about Asking for That Raise

What the Boss Wants You to Know about Asking for That Raise

Wouldn’t it be nice if your boss called you into his/her office and offered you a lovely raise? If only, right! The reality in today’s unsettled business environment is raises aren’t automatic. So what should you do? What are your options? You can keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best. You can look for a job elsewhere or you can speak up and do what the boss says and ask. Here is what the bosses we have coached recommend.

Don’t Get Stuck on the Opening

Don’t Get Stuck on the Opening

Where most people get hung up is the opening. However, that’s actually the most important part of a conversation. If those first few minutes aren’t rock solid, it is unlikely the audience will listen all the way to the end. People make instantaneous decisions about whether they like or need what you have to say so you need to make it relevant right from the start. A good way to open any presentation is to answer the questions people typically have.

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