The last thing your customers want to do is take an unsolicited phone call. They are very busy people who have a million problems to solve before the day is done. Their automatic assumption is cold calls waste time. By generating interest immediately, you can...
In today’s business world, it is almost a rarity when people answer their phone. Mostly, we reach people’s voicemails. This is extremely frustrating for those of us who need information or want answers. What compounds the issue is that when we leave a voicemail,...
A lot of us speak quickly when we are on the phone with our customers or clients. Sometimes it is because we have so many calls in the cue or because we feel pressured to get on to the next call. Whatever the case, it is a habit that can cost us business. Why? When we...
Listening is the number one skill for success in business today. Poor listening skills make people angry and make them feel you don’t value them. They affect all relationships, especially business relationships. Most people think they are good listeners. In reality,...
Success in today’s pressure-cooker workplace depends on high functioning teams. The question that befuddles many managers and supervisors today is how to motivate their inside sales or customer service teams to exceed customer expectations. Three key elements seem to...
As inside sales representatives, the way we close business is by asking questions. Often, we ask the same questions of all clients. Sometimes, these questions move people to make decisions, but at other times, they don’t, leading us to wonder “what happened?” Selling...
Strong listening skills are a must. Customers judge people who are trying to sell their ideas or services on the phone by how well they pay attention to them. They expect phone reps to find solutions to their business issues and to anticipate their ever- growing...
“Listen to the sound of the river, and you will catch fish.” ~ Old Irish Proverb Customers judge people who are trying to sell their ideas or services on the phone by how well they pay attention to them. They expect phone reps to find solutions to their business...
An area that is vital to most organization’s success is the launch of new products. However, instead of getting the predicted initial sales, the results are often disappointing. Companies are left frustrated and wonder if their projections were realistic, if the...
Pausing is the most under-utilized tool that a speaker has. Most people who use the phone to conduct business only concern themselves with their message. For example, they want to explain a product, fix your software or update you on month-end results. They forget...
The effects of the down economy are being felt all around the globe. The “R” word is being said out loud. Every corporation in almost every industry is feeling the pinch of the recession no matter where they are located. In tough times, the frontline people, those...
Making a good first impression is essential to anyone in today’s business world. Obviously, it is more difficult to do when you are not face-to-face. By truly listening, having an upbeat and friendly voice and a positive attitude, you increase the odds that people will take you seriously and will want to do business with you.
It takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an elite presenter. While this may seem overwhelming stop and think about how you can practice and be coached to improve your current standing.
There are times we make extremely important presentations. Perhaps, it is to an unhappy customer to retain the business, or maybe it is to our own management team about a controversial project. When nervous, we tend to freeze. It seems like we can’t think or breathe. There are two skills that are lifelines. They are […]
Success in today’s pressure-cooker workplace depends on high functioning teams. The question that befuddles many managers and supervisors today is how to motivate their inside sales or customer service teams to exceed customer expectations. Three key elements seem to define motivated teams. 1. Managers and supervisors interact frequently Years ago, Tom Peters, the well- known […]
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